Date: May 3-4, 2023
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Details: Panitch Schwarze partner Travis W. Bliss, Ph.D. and patent agent Stephany G. Small, Ph.D. will discuss patent eligibility in the life sciences during the Life Sciences Patent Network (LSPN) North America Spring 2023 conference. The panel, titled “How Best to Navigate Subject Matter Patent Eligibility Legislature in the US,” will be moderated by Bliss, and Small will serve as a speaker.
The discussion will focus on the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s subject matter eligibility policy, the current challenges in patent eligibility after the American Axle v. Neapco ruling, strategies to avoid excessive costs for patent owners, and the implications of the Patent Eligibility Restoration Act of 2022.
Bliss largely focuses his practice on securing, licensing, monetizing, challenging, and enforcing intellectual property rights, including U.S. plant patents, utility patents, plant variety protection (PVP) certificates, and trademarks, for novel plant varieties. He works with each of his clients in the horticulture industry to help them formulate an effective IP strategy for their particular situation, including helping the client identify the IP rights they should secure and assisting them in creating an effective licensing regime.
Small focuses her practice on acquiring and preserving intellectual property rights in all areas of life science, including biologics, pharmaceuticals, treatment/diagnostic methods, novel plant varieties, and transgenic plants. Her practice involves procurement of patents through prosecution before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and foreign jurisdictions and also involves litigation matters including proceedings before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board.
Organized by Life Sciences Intellectual Property Review, LSPN North America Spring 2023 gathers in-house patent counsel of pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to explore the global patent protection landscape. The conference is co-sponsored by Panitch Schwarze.
Click here to register for LSPN North America Spring 2023.