Erin M. Dunston and Philip L. Hirschhorn will take part in a virtual summit that discusses how patent practitioners build a cohesive strategy with options around these legal and budget challenges.
Date & Time: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 8:15 a.m. PT / 10:15 a.m. CT
Details: Panitch Schwarze partners Erin M. Dunston and Philip L. Hirschhorn will take part in a virtual summit presented by CenterForce.
Dunston will present “Pandemic Pandemonium: PTAB Proceedings and Patent Preparedness,” which will focus on PTAB’s influence on the patent landscape and how patent litigation counsel should rethink the PTAB process. Her presentation will explore:
- State of the current IPR landscape
- PTAB today – What do we know? What should you plan for? How has the pandemic impacted PTAB proceedings?
- Is the PTAB still cancelling claims at the same high rate?
- What is driving the uptick in stays by district courts?
- From a strategy perspective, what is the impact of the BRI to Phillips switch?
- Are motions to amend claims an effective tool?
- Do precedential opinions by the PTAB provide meaningful guidance to practitioners?
- Are design patents treated differently than utility patents?
- Has the business case changed for IPRs?
- Cost, Resource Allocation – Impact on the business
Philip L. Hirschhorn will be a participant during the “Patent Litigation Trends: Building a Strategy in the COVID Age” panel. The panel will discuss:
- Preparing for a shifting patent litigation landscape
- Litigation avoidance through portfolio management and product development
- Be ready for the international litigation or ITC proceedings
- What are the top countries for litigating patent disputes? What trends can be observed in global patent litigation?
- Is the ITC an effective forum to enforce patents?
- Shift at the PTAB – the data is confusing
To register and learn more click here.
About Panitch Schwarze Belisario & Nadel LLP – Panitch Schwarze Belisario & Nadel LLP is a boutique intellectual property law firm with offices in Philadelphia and Wilmington, Delaware. The firm’s IP law practitioners provide strategic litigation, licensing and counseling service relating to patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets, domain names, and internet issues domestically and internationally. The firm’s long-standing relationships with a network of associates worldwide enable its attorneys and advisors to provide clients with global intellectual property advice and protection.