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Chinese Companies Awarded More U.S. Patents in 2016

U.S. patent data recently released by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office confirms that IBM was again awarded the most U.S. patents in 2016 – a whopping 8088!  Other U.S. companies in the top 10 were Qualcomm, Google, Intel, and Microsoft, with Apple coming in at number 11.

The United States, Japan and South Korea remain the top three countries of origin for assignees with the most U.S. patents.  However, an interesting trend emerged from the 2016 data.  Mainland China (just behind Germany) saw a 158 percent increase in the number of U.S. patents granted to its companies.

Panitch Schwarze contributed to this growth, representing several Chinese companies and research institutes successfully patenting inventions to new chemical entities, pharmaceutical compositions, methods of treatment, biotechnology advancements and industrial machines/equipment.

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