Larry Cullen has served as Vice President, trusted advisor and counselor to high tech corporations and has a depth of experience handling the full gamut of IP legal issues. He has generated highly profitable intellectual property portfolios which have provided vital protection to products and accounted for millions of dollars. Larry specializes in IP claims and has negotiated dozens of multi-million-dollar settlements and licenses, permitting successful product sales with maintenance of product margins. He obtained numerous patents that were successfully litigated in “bet the farm” litigations, resulting in competitor injunctions, product licenses, and settlements. Larry also understands the importance of a comprehensive IP strategy from a business perspective, and the concerns of C-suite executives. Larry’s deep knowledge of IP protection stems from his time as a U.S. Patent Examiner, many years as big firm counsel and in house counsel, to serving on boards of several patent pools. With his deep knowledge of protecting innovations as a tool for business growth, he is well-equipped to guide clients in the protection of their most valuable property.