Title: Google V. Oracle: Outcome, Observations, and Implications
Description: This presentation will discuss the history and outcome of a software-related copyright dispute between Oracle and Google that spanned more than a decade, and which culminated in a Supreme Court decision rendered in April of last year. The Supreme Court decision had many peculiarities, and the presentation will address both the outcome itself and a number of the peculiarities of the outcome. Implications of the decision will also be discussed.
Credits: 1.0 PA CLE Pending
Date: Tuesday, March 02, 2022
Time: 11:30 AM — 12:30 PM
Presenter(s): Jeffrey W. Gluck, Ph.D.
Location: Zoom; Pre-registration required as space is limited
Registration Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAof-CtrTojGd1CGN-J2Ym2CGg-9o2TG_hb
Cost: $40.00
Payment Link: https://secure.lawpay.com/pages/panitch-schwarze-belisario-and-nadel/operating
Payment Reference: March 2, 2022, CLE Webinar – YOUR NAME
Payment Due By: Friday, February 25, 2022
Contact: Miki Yamaguchi
IP Practice Manager